4 min read

The Lost Art of Platonic Love: Embarking On The Path of Divine Connection

The Lost Art of Platonic Love: Embarking On The Path of Divine Connection

I approach her with a sincere desire to connect, drawn to her radiant energy. But as I say hello, she pulls away, avoiding the contact. Maybe she thinks I'm just another guy trying to get her into bed. She doesn't see my pure intentions. If only she knew I just want a soulful connection, without expectations...

I've felt this disconnect many times. My wish to appreciate a woman's brilliance is often met with fear and confusion. I get why. Many men are driven by sexual desire and pursue women aggressively. They ignore boundaries and treat women like objects. Women are scared. They worry that being open will invite unwanted advances.

"Men and women can't be friends."

We've all heard this cynical idea. That men and women can only connect sexually. Anything else is just a delusion or a path to betrayal. This belief is more than just a harmless myth - it's a sinister psyop, designed to keep men and women alienated from each other's deepest gifts.

In a society where men see women as conquests, and women mistrust men's motives, we can't create a better world together. We can't grow spiritually. When men are cut off from the nourishing, heartful gift of the feminine, we become more easily controlled. We fall into toxic masculinity, aggression, domination and greed.

And when women can't relax into the protective, affectionate strength of conscious masculinity, they armor up. They direct their energy into self-preservation and separation, rather than open-hearted collaboration.

But there is another way.

As a man devoted to conscious living, I'm exploring how to bring authenticity and non-attachment to my relationships with women. Many spiritual teachings emphasize seeing the divine in each other. Honoring the light beyond the physical. Yet society often treats women as objects for male pleasure, not sovereign beings worthy of reverence.

I dream of a world where deep platonic love between men and women is celebrated as a path to mutual awakening. A world where we can appreciate the unique gifts of the masculine and feminine without the need to possess or control each other. Where sensual attraction is met with respect and care.

Platonic love is the key to spiritual growth.

Plato described how love can guide us beyond the physical to divine wisdom and goodness. Human love isn't just about sex or making babies. It's a path to higher truth. When we see each other's souls, we bring out the best in one another. A love based not on possession but on the mutual pursuit of spiritual awakening.

I've been blessed to discover communities and practices that create safe containers for this kind of loving bonding. Contact improv, tantra, zouk, ecstatic dance… when we tune into each other's movements and energy, boundaries dissolve. We connect from a place of openhearted presence.

Eye contact, synchronized breath, movement, playful touch - they become a language. Our souls are connecting. The life force / sexual energy may be rising. The masculine-feminine polarity activates us. But there is no need to release through sex.

Of course, soulful connections aren't limited to men-women friendships. The magic of love can happen whenever two people are devoted to growing together in authenticity. Some of my deepest bonds are with male friends. We share our truths safely.

How can we heal the divide within?

Many men struggle to be affectionate or vulnerable with each other. We fear being seen as gay or less manly. How can we be sensitive with women if we can't even look our brothers in the eye? We must start by loving ourselves and connecting with men.

The peaceful warrior integrates masculine and feminine within. As men do this inner work, our relationships transform. We honor women by listening, being honest, and living our truth. We can be playful and sensual without releasing a sexual desire. We find freedom to appreciate beauty in all forms.

This path has challenges.

Unlearning social conditioning takes time and humility. We must face the discomfort of growth. Even with good intentions, we'll make mistakes. What matters is staying open, taking responsibility, and sincerely wanting to connect deeper.

As the great Sufi poet Rumi said, "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." By doing our own inner work and showing up authentically, we become clearer channels for the love that longs to flow between us.

My brothers, my invitation to you is this:

Let's expand our conception of what's possible in our friendships with women. Let's seek first to appreciate their wisdom with humility. Let's practice using our sexual energy to create and empower, rather than to conquer and release.

And let's support each other to stay true to our deepest values as we walk this path. May we uplift each other with compassion and encouragement. And may we find the courage to be the kind of men women can trust - men who create safety, fight for their freedom, who meet them with presence and care. The world needs us - strong, conscious men.

And to the women reading this - thank you.

Thank you for your courage, your wisdom, your willingness to keep your hearts open despite everything. Please know there are men who see you, who yearn to meet you with honor and care. May you feel cherished and celebrated, with plenty of spaces to connect meaningfully without pressure or expectation.

Together, we can turn our connections with each other into a power of transformation and portals to the divine. And in doing so, we will create a world where the full spectrum of love can be expressed with joy.

I'm grateful to be on this sacred journey with you. Let's keep opening our hearts...

With love,